High School Youth


Youth Standing with Jesus (YSJ)

Grace Lutheran High School Youth

Youth Registration Form

The Grace High School Youth Group is a faithful, active, and growing group of people who bring many diverse interests, gifts, and talents to the congregation as a whole. We look forward to our weekly gatherings, monthly events, projects, retreats, summer trips, service opportunities, and fundraising activities.

We’re focused on Faith in Action! Members of Standing with Jesus, you can make this world a better place by example, build relationships through learning, and grow your faith through acts of social justice…just the way Jesus did!  If you are unsure if you are on Grace’s email list, please contact the church office to update your information. YSJ is open to ALL high school students, COME AS YOU ARE, and bring a friend! 🙂 We can’t wait to start this journey with you.

Current Events and Happenings

All are welcome to join Grace Lutheran Church’s high school youth group gatherings and events. We will meet regularly during the school year, and plan additional events throughout the year. Please join us, we look forward to seeing you soon! Please contact the church office to reach Kirsten Green, Gretchen Hutchens, or Tyler Palak, YSJ co-leaders, for more information.

YSJ Youth are prepping to leave for the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 16 – 20.


Fill out the form below and one of our staff will answer your question as soon as we can.